

Update on our demonstration sites

Work is progressing well at our demonstration sites, where the developed iBOSS technology, including sensors, automated feeders, and artificial intelligence, will be tested in commercial environments.

At the site in Souda Bay, Greece, the sub-camera is now online, allowing the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) researchers to see the behavior of European Seabass inside the open sea cages.

At Partner AquaBioTech (ABT), Malta, work is progressing on the enhanced fit-out of the land based recirculating aquaculture demo site, where the Barramundi experiments will be conducted.

Nile Tilapia feeding experiments are also in preparation. Developed and overseen by partner Vitafort ZRT they will be conducted in Pond-based aquaculture systems in Laos.

The Fish-Talk-to-Me system is being deployed to Aller Aqua Research (AAR), ABT and HCMR trial sites. These large-scale demonstration experiments are an exciting opportunity to test scenarios with developed new technologies, building on the insights from small-scale pilots tested in controlled environments.

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