Smart Feeding
Researchers at iFishIENCi Project partner AquaBioTech Group are currently conducting x-ray radiography to determine the gut fullness of rainbow trout after feeding events. This data will support behavioural observations associated with hunger and satiation, which will be used in the development of the Fish-Talk-To-Me innovation. Fish-Talk-To-Me uses continuous gathering of fish physiological data and camera technology for automatic assessment of fish behaviour. This information informs the decision-making of the iBOSS online monitoring and smart feeding system. This experiment is part of the Work Package 1, Biology 4.0, which also features smart feeding and management technology pre-trials and novel feed ingredients testing. iBOSS technology is being tested in different environments with different fish species, including in Rainbow Trout at the AquaBioTech Group Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) facility, as sensors and video imaging for feeding behaviour must be calibrated for biological and behavioral variables important for aquaculture system management.