Sustainable Aquaculture: Consumer insights
The iFishIENCi project is discovering new insights into consumer attitudes towards aquaculture through the online social survey our partner @ttzBremerhaven has led.
Questionnaires were designed using the service SoScisurvey, and access was given by the website, Twitter and Facebook of partner ttz, Bremerhaven. In the questionnaire, consumers’ attitudes towards fish/seafood products, aquaculture and sustainability were investigated. To consumers, sustainability means regulated catches to prevent overfishing, the compliance to catch quota, and further the conservation of fish stocks and the sea. No sensory (taste, texture) differences were observed by consumers between aquaculture products and wild catch. Our consumers see aquaculture produced products as being of quality, with no differences from wild caught. Additionally, aquaculture products are not perceived to be more expensive than wild catch. Nearly half of the participants agree that aquaculture is more sustainable than wild catch and most of the consumers agree that fish/seafood from sustainable sources is of high value for them. Half of the participants trust in quality labels and most of them agree that they would rather buy fish/seafood with a quality label than without. We are working to increase consumers perceptions of how our innovations are making aquaculture even more sustainable, nutritious, efficient and tasty, so that they can make informed decisions for their family and the environment at the fish counter. |